Analytics users

As said data collection is descussed...

Analytics user data are collected with any analytics web app, with our analytics web app we give the user their own account that they eventually use with their own tracking code that we provide in the dashboard of our analytics web app. The collected data that the user tracks on their website with their users are collected on our analytics platform the data is then processed by our servers and then eventually displayed in your dashboard under the overview.

html elements can also be tracked with our feature that tracks the elements, it can be a div tag, html tag, element id or a class, to get the most out of your analytics account within the dashboard your traffic should be higher than 800 pageviews a day the estimate calculator on your dashboard can automaticly calculate your total pageviews for the day, you are aquired to have at least 4 hours of data to have the calculator give an accurate estimate on you traffic.

The collection of the data for your users are collected and stored until you decide not to track your traffic by removing the code all data are stored for certain period discussed in our terms.Our pricing for our analytics can be found on our home page


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